NECN interviewing me about location-based services
This is my personal site where you can find my blog and learn more about me. Since you’ve arrived at this page you’ve either typed in my website name directly, searched on my name and found this page or clicked through to the “About Walter Elly” link from my blog. So, here’s all about me:
I’m a proud father of three, loving life in New Hampshire. My philosophy is that technology is really something to harness in order to create more time in the world for the things that matter, whatever they are to you. I also believe that we still have a long, long way to go. The upside to this is that there’s TONS of value to still unlock in order to get there. Let’s find this value together.
A quick way to see what I’m up to is to read through press coverage of my work and love for technology:
Portsmouth Patch – Is Portsmouth A Social Media Mecca?
Portsmouth Herald – Social Media No Longer An Option For Businesses
New Hampshire Union Leader – Applicable apps
Foster’s Daily Democrat – What is Foursquare Day? Find out in Portsmouth on Saturday
Crain’s New York – Mayor proclaims New York City’s first ‘Foursquare Day’
New Hampshire Business Review – N.H. retailers find a friend in social media
New Hampshire Union Leader – Social network grows money and mustaches
Fosters Daily Democrat – MicroArts, Foursquare Day propose panel at Interactive Fest
NECN – Foursquare: Location sharing phone application gets its day
Foster’s Daily Democrat – ‘Foursquare Day’ a great e-commerce way to connect for area businesses
Portsmouth Herald – Greenland firm offers companies social marketing ‘stepping stone’
Foster’s Daily Democrat – FINT or be Square: Design firm Launches Website to Help Firms Use Social Media
Business 2.0 Magazine Ear Today, Phone Tomorrow

Me presenting at the #AhaNH Social Media Business Summit
Or you can catch up with me at one of my speaking gigs, stay tuned for upcoming events. Here is a selection of past engagements:
University of New Hampshire – Information Systems Masters Class – (slides) – Manchester, NH
#SocializeYourBiz by Constant Contact – (panel) – Portsmouth NH
#MozCation by SEOMoz – (slides) – Portsmouth, NH
#AhaNH Social Media Business Summit – (slides) – Gilford NH
eCoast Mobile Summit – (slides) – Portsmouth NH
Social Media Breakfast – (slides) – Portsmouth NH
Social Media Club – (slides) – Portsmouth, NH
Social Media Breakfast – Manchester, NH
PodcampNH – (slides) – Portsmouth, NHCurrently I’m the Principal Consultant and Managing Director of Elly Associates.You can also see check out some of my old side-projects including Foursquare Day, Portsmouth Foursquare and my been-off-the-air-for-a-while (but was once on Sirius Satellite radio) podcast about dog training.
Still ready for more? Well, if you really want to get to know me, let’s have coffee sometime and chat. But for now check me out on LinkedIn for the rest of the story.